"Fascinating though your social life undoubtedly is, Miss Granger..." Snape

In a world where muggles dream of a magical world four friends challenge their dreams to create their muggle school into a magical school. Will they take the floo powder and get there or will they go the wrong way?

Monday, May 10, 2010

"I enjoyed the meetings, too. It was like having friends." -Luna Lovegood

In the time of old fashion we fight for our rights to party. Lately that is exactly what we are doing. Spending countless hours on a dream that was going to come falling down due to a misread email. During our first period a Teacher asked about the prank. Luckily, she only talked about the teachers dressing and that she needed a crystal ball but it was still a bad sign. I found out the situation from a member of Dumbledore Army and quickly went over to her during her prep hour to tell her about keeping it a secret. She was really excited about the plan to the point about she was jumping up and down. Quoted from what she said "This is the icy on the cake, my last year will be a blast that is for sure." See she spent forty years as a teacher and this was her last year at the school. My only concern is that who else talked about the plan to their class? They only know about the teacher side of the prank meaning we need to pull all of the strings together for this plan. Tomorrow is the day when we tell the Act 2 Seniors about the plan so they can prepare for it. Good luck.

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