"Fascinating though your social life undoubtedly is, Miss Granger..." Snape

In a world where muggles dream of a magical world four friends challenge their dreams to create their muggle school into a magical school. Will they take the floo powder and get there or will they go the wrong way?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"Now, how many autographs would you like? I can do joined-up writing now, you know!" - Gilderoy Lockhart

Black robes and wand. Day complete

had a successful day at Hogwarts: HUZZAH to the Order of the Phoenix!

Still shocks me when everybody tells you something, and you dont wanna beileve it. yet it turns out to be true. Do we walk around blindly? Yep. Im living proof of that. And I can admit it.


Not gonna lie that Harry Potter thing could of been better exicuted. But still it did bring a slight smile to my face this morning

Were JUST some of the comments on Facebook.
Today was the day were all of our blood, sweat, and magic went into it. I'm going to post more about it later on in the week due to the pictures a that I'm place here.

This is the day before the prank

Monday, May 17, 2010

"I want to fix that in my memory forever. Draco Malfoy, the amazing bouncing ferret..."

Two more days until the porkey arrives and we are totally excited for it. Over the last couple of days we really were in a pinch situation but everything is now on our side. Today was our meeting to figure out who has what done and what should we need to get ready. We come up with this strategy:

1.) We walk inside the school in the morning with all of the items need.

2.) Spend six hours in school.

(During lunch we figure out if we miss an item that we can fix)

3.) Wait till 2:16 to set up the small item that can be easily tapped.

(This come to the downside that people will start to get fishy on why this teacher has a sign saying "Hargid's hut" but this plan will work.)

4.) Set as much as possible before the meeting and If we have time during the meeting to put up the big posters then so be it.

5.) Go home and sleep.

6.) Wake up and meet back at the school at 6:30am So we can put the rest of the big posters.

7.) Take lots of pictures of the setting up and yadddada.

8.) Dress up as Hogwarts students and bask in the glory that is a Harry Potter Prank.

This is the original plan of prank something will change when tomorrow comes. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Good luck

Saturday, May 15, 2010

"Well, I can certainly see why we're trying to keep them alive. Who wouldn't want pets that can burn, sting, and bite all at once?" -Draco

The final days before the big day are catching up quickly and like the daily prophet they are ready. I thought I might show you some of the photographs of the signs that we have created for the main hallway. If the link doesn't work then I'll try to fix it with my wand.

Monday, May 10, 2010

"I enjoyed the meetings, too. It was like having friends." -Luna Lovegood

In the time of old fashion we fight for our rights to party. Lately that is exactly what we are doing. Spending countless hours on a dream that was going to come falling down due to a misread email. During our first period a Teacher asked about the prank. Luckily, she only talked about the teachers dressing and that she needed a crystal ball but it was still a bad sign. I found out the situation from a member of Dumbledore Army and quickly went over to her during her prep hour to tell her about keeping it a secret. She was really excited about the plan to the point about she was jumping up and down. Quoted from what she said "This is the icy on the cake, my last year will be a blast that is for sure." See she spent forty years as a teacher and this was her last year at the school. My only concern is that who else talked about the plan to their class? They only know about the teacher side of the prank meaning we need to pull all of the strings together for this plan. Tomorrow is the day when we tell the Act 2 Seniors about the plan so they can prepare for it. Good luck.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Time to test our talents in the real world, d'you reckon?" asked Fred. "Definitely," said George.

So you may have noticed that I have not posted on this blog. What going on? Is the plan going to work out? Will you answer my questions? I have all of the answers and I will share with you (If you are reading this). So we are going to take a time turner back to where we left out. We had just sorted like a sorting hat that has what. Before we could go forth on the plan we decided to play it safe and talk to our principal. We didn’t want to get expelled like many Hogwarts students. This was the moment of truth if he didn’t like the plan then we had to sneak it into the building as a real prank.

Monday March 27, 2010

The meeting was really awkward silence do to the fact no one really prepared what it was about and the principal had other meetings. He asked the question that caused death to our faces since he had no clue what Harry Books were. “What is it you want to show to the students by doing this stunt?” Everyone was blank I randomly shouted “We are really bringing literature to life.” “That is what I wanted to hear. It sounds like an okay plan there is a meeting for all of the teachers on Thursday.” Everyone took a big sigh with relief as the plan was on officially we just needed the teachers to join in and we would be ready.

Thursday March 31, 2010

This day was a key move that needed to be executed. Our mission was to talk about the plan show them some of the posters and answer any question. This needed to be determining if they will or will not. The meeting felt as if they were grading our papers in front of us. I guess you can say that we talked about this idea a couple times then it really affected us. We manage to get through the lecture with more ease than expected. The teachers really enjoyed the idea and agree to the idea. Heading to the back of the room to get our stuff and leave some of the teachers were singing the Potter Puppet pals. “I’m Harry Potter and school is for losers” filled the excitement. It was official we were ready for the porky that was ready for us. 48 days till the porky leaves.

Wednesday April 21, 2010

28 days till the porky leaves and we are still preparing for the whole plan. My job of painting all the signs are almost finish. Mandi’s letters to the teachers are ready to be printed out and some of the signs that Lauren and Bridgette doing are almost done. Looking good so far, if only we weren’t so busy.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

"You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."

This all started back in January at lunch time around our table reading MILAs. We read about one who put posters around the school's stairs saying "Caution: Moving Staircase". It was then we thought of a mastermind plan to make our normal school into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a senior prank to the school. Some may say this idea is a stupid one but at least it is an idea and idea that needed to work out.

So the journey begins...

Our journey takes us the start of spring and a fresh chance to start the idea. We gather up and divided the jobs amongst the four who only remember the idea. My job was to create the house sign and the houses sign for the balcony of the school. My friend Mandi's job was to create a list of teachers on who they are in book and what classes they teach (or whatever, you get the picture). Lauren and Bridgette are to label the places that are in the castle like the Floo powder entrance, Quititch practice, Hospital wing, and so on.